One of my .org domain names expired sometime back. Infact I was waiting for it to expire and buy it again using using
Website.in's .org promo which ends on 31st December 2006. The promo gets you to buy .org (also .info) domain names for $2.15 which comes to around Rs 96 - for the entire year ! Thats a pretty good deal for less than a hundred bucks here. Since I had no website associated with it and wasn't really afraid of anyone backordering it since the name is really not worth it except for me. I waited right till the end of
pendingDelete period to have it back into the available pool list. To my surprise, I found that
Website has renewed the domain name under their behalf while the control is
still in my hands. I still have the option of renewing the domain name in my control panel. The expiration is now set to December 2007.
For those of you who want to buy a domian name for a low rate (Rs 96 for .org till 31/12/06, Rs 96 for .info, Rs 180 for a .biz and Rs 202 for .us) - this is the best time.
1. Buy the domain.
2. If you can afford hosting, good - if not, set it up at
Google Apps for you Domain.
3. If you've not ready to setup any sort of hosting but still want the domain fearing it'll be bought by someone else, buy it now and renew 23 months from the date of purchase. Since you own it for one year, you don't have to worry about it for an entire year. For the next one year, Website will renew it under their behalf but you still got the option of taking it back for another entire year. Please remember though, if you are goning to renew it after Website has renewed it, you are paying for the renewal from the date it
originally expired.
Lets say you bought a domain on 31st Dec 2006 and it expires on 31st Dec 2007 - Website renews it automatically on 31st Jan 2008 (still under your full control 30-45 after expiration). New expiration is 31st Dec 2008. You decide to renew it for 1 year on 30th Dec 2008 - the expiration would still be 31st Dec 2008 even though you get total control over it just for 1 day. So your best bet would be to renew for 2 yrs. Did you think you could get away renewing every 1.99 years paying for only 1yr ?
IMHO, this strategy of Website is really good since backordering your expired domain would take a year to get it.
Im not sure how long this strategy will last, but on the safe side, if you
really want the domain, just renew for 10yrs in one shot.
Hi Guys,
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Warning: It's not uncommon to miss renewal notices.
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If it hasn't, it probably will.
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