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Flickr Pro

Thursday, December 21, 2006
I just signed up for a Flickr Pro 2yr account - and I must say, its totally worth it. Flickr has a developer API that you can use to integrate Flickr services to your website. The only condition when hotlinking your own flickr photo onto your website is your page should have a link back to Interestingly, even for a commercial license, the API is free - unless the usage is very heavy. The reason for buying the pro account, is because they don't have a limit to their space and bandwidth usage, though the maximum upload transfer per month is limited to 2GB. The download transfer is unlimited. This is ideal for amateur photographers who on the practial side, are not going to to be uploading more than 2GB of photos per month - unless the new Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II's price comes down drastically ! For the average person, a 6MP camera is currently affordable. For a 6MP camera, the photo size ranges from 2MB to 2.5MB - which averages to 1000 photos upload per month. This should be just enough for a month for the average user. Here are some free Photo Hosting Sites :
HostMax Server SpaceMax Size per photoMonthly BandwidthDirect Linking
flickrNo LimitAuto-Resized to various sizes100MB
zooomrNo LimitAuto-Resized to various sizes100MB
PicasaWeb250MBAuto-ResizedNo Limit
Y! PhotosNo LimitAuto-ResizedNo Limit -
Photo Bucket1GB1MB10GB
WebshotsNo LimitNo LimitNo Limit
Village Photos12.5MB250KB1GB -
Sony ImagestationNo Limit for the first 12 monthsNo LimitNo Limit
MSN Spaces30MBNo LimitNo Limit